Litigation Finance Consulting
We are the premier firm providing services for litigation finance funds, investors, and law firms in connection with litigation funding in commercial, mass tort, and personal injury cases.
Our associates provide the following services:
1.) Litigation finance portfolio servicing, valuation, and benchmark services. Regular and consistent independent portfolio servicing reassure investors and provide credibility for litigation fund managers
2.) Assistance for attorneys in deciding when to take cases on contingency and what price to pay for third party marketing firm case leads
3.) Valuation and analysis related to insurance claims and subrogation claims.
4.) Assistance for attorneys in valuing their case docket - we are independent advisors with no objective except to provide you with a fair valuation
5.) Litigation Finance benchmarking for investors and funds
6.) Data on the litigation finance industry including lists of existing funds
7.) Provide expert services and advisory support on litigation finance matters
8.) Value litigation finance firms on behalf of investors or acquirers in M&A deals
9.) Develop litigation funding valuation models on behalf of high volume funding companies
10.) Training (CLE credit available) for staff on the finance behind litigation finance including determining the value of litigation claims
11.) Advisory services for institutional investors looking to invest in the space, and for litigation funds looking to attract institutional capital
Read commentary on the litigation finance field from one of our partners here: